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Global Tilstedeværelse .
Global Tilstedeværelse .

Din venlige nabo, kølegiganten.

Vi har altid bestræbt os på at sikre det højeste serviceniveau ved at oprette faciliteter tæt på vores kunder. Det er en fast del af vores kultur, og vores fysiske tilstedeværelse i Europa, USA og Asien understreger vores engagement i forhold til vores kunder.

Det betyder ikke blot, at vi kan sikre en hurtigere support og logistik. Når vi ser den verden, som vores kunder lever og arbejder i, kan vi hele tiden opgradere os selv som specialister i forhold til de forskellige udfordringer, som vores kunder står overfor hver dag. Det skaber en innovation, indsigt og effektivitet, som ikke findes, hvis man bliver siddende i sit elfenbenstårn.
Vores hovedkontor. Forretningsudvikling, salg, engineering, økonomi og administration.
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Produktion, montage, kvalitetskontrol og forsendelse til Ymer Technology, Ymer Production og Ymer Industrial.
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+46 8 5090 4100
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Site Manager
+46 8 5090 4100
Salgs- og engineering-kontor der servicerer Tyskland, Østrig, Schweiz og særlige kunder.
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Josef Graubmann
Managing Director
+49 81 53 92 74 600
Hovedkontor for vindkraftdivisionen. Forretningsudvikling, salg og engineering.
Skal vi tage en snak?
Jørgen Krogh
Vice President
+45 863 240 00
Salgs- og engineering-kontor der servicerer Frankrig og særlige kunder.
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Cyril Therenty
Area Sales Manager
+33 183 643 910
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Vores engineering-kontor i Michigan. Servicerer vores kunder i det nordlige USA.
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Jon Hitt
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+1 (262) 442 2996
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Steven Nesbitt
Site Manager
+1 (281) 429 1600
Montage, kvalitetskontrol og forsendelse.
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Produktion, montage, kvalitetskontrol og forsendelse.
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Market Development Director
+86 854 706 06 65
Hong Kong
Hong Kong-kontoret
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Fredrik Petersson
Chief Executive Officer
+46 8 5090 4100
En alt på et sted-teknologibutik.
Vi fremstiller komplette kølings-, termiske styrings- og hydrauliksystemer fra bunden. Vi kombinerer et omfattende ingeniørarbejde og viden om anvendelsesområderne med den mest avancerede produktion, hvilket betyder, at vi kan sikre den bedste kvalitet, samtidig med at tiden fra ordre til prototype bliver så kort som mulig.
En alt på et sted-teknologibutik.
Vi fremstiller komplette kølings-, termiske styrings- og hydrauliksystemer fra bunden. Vi kombinerer et omfattende ingeniørarbejde og viden om anvendelsesområderne med den mest avancerede produktion, hvilket betyder, at vi kan sikre den bedste kvalitet, samtidig med at tiden fra ordre til prototype bliver så kort som mulig.
For at finde de bedste løsninger ser vi ind i fremtiden.
Baseret på vores omfattende viden om anvendelsesmuligheder og termodynamisk ekspertise har vi udviklet Seidr – et avanceret beregningsværktøj som modellerer adfærden på ventilatorer, væsker, materialer, samlekasser med mere. Det hjælper os til at skabe et første, optimeret layout, inden vi starter modelleringen.
Et første kig på noget virkeligt cool.
Når vi er enige om layoutet, begynder vi at modellere designet helt ned i detaljen. Efter vi omhyggeligt har gennemgået 3D-modellen, sender vi den til jer – senest en uge efter at vi har indgået aftalen.
Ned i de praktiske detaljer.
Efter din godkendelse bryder vi det færdige design op i detaljerede produktionstegninger, så vi kan producere de enkelte dele. Med en komplet materialeliste er det tid til produktion.
Vi sikrer, at der ikke er et svageste led.
Alle dele i det færdige produkts endelige materialeliste produceres. Enten i vores egen produktion – vi har fuld kontrol over produktionskæden med kapacitet til aluminiumstøbning og stålproduktion – eller af håndplukkede, godkendte leverandører som lever op til vores høje krav til kvalitet og leveringstid.
Montage af prototype
Klar til test.
Alle nye produkter skal gennem en montage af prototypen, hvor både produktion og design grundigt gennemgår prototypen for at sikre, at alle design- og kundespecifikationer er opfyldt eller overgået.
januar 03, 2023

Ymer Technology’s wind division is acquired by HydraSpecma. The transaction will strengthen the position as a supplier to the wind industry.

Ymer Technology’s wind division that develops and manufactures cooling systems for on- and off- shore wind turbines has been acquired by the Power and Motion company, HydraSpecma. With the transaction HydraSpecma strengthen its position as leading supplier within the wind industry.

With the acquisition of Ymer Technology’s wind division, the international Power & Motion company HydraSpecma headquartered in Skjern, Denmark is becoming an even stronger supplier and development partner to the wind industry. The two companies have recently settled an agreement which will increase strength and capacity to accept even more projects within the wind power segment.

HydraSpecma, that is owned by the Danish industrial conglomerate Schouw & Co, has acquired Ymer Technology’s wind division that is headquartered in Silkeborg, Denmark. HydraSpecma sees a great potential in the wind industry the upcoming years and the two companies will complement each other in multiple areas. HydraSpecma is specialized in lubrication- and filtration systems and pitch-hydraulic, while Ymer Technology have cooling and conditioning of nacelles as their primary business area.

The goal, to achieve an even stronger position in the market has also played a significant role for Ymer Technology Jørgen Krogh, Vice President of Ymer Technology explains. In few years, Ymer Technology has established a robust customer portfolio due to the company’s expertise, especially within cooling systems for wind turbines.

– Through a close cooperation with our customers we have taken significant steps within development. We have gone from being a component supplier to co-developer of systems to some of the largest OEM customers. Now the time has come to take the next large step. The winds of change are blowing within the wind industry and to stand even stronger in that process I see Ymer Technology and HydraSpecma as the perfect match, says Jørgen Krogh.

HydraSpecma have been collaborating with the leading wind turbine manufactures in more than 40 years and are experiencing and increasing demand with the wind power segment. The acquisition of Ymer Technology’s wind division is a prolongation of HydraSpecma’s strategic ambition to strengthen their position with the growing industry.

HydraSpecma and Ymer Technology is similar in many areas. Both companies excel in service excellence and they both have a flexible production on a global scale, which makes us a strong business partner. Together, we are ready to secure our customers the best complete solutions all the way from prototype development to serial production. We are convinced that this acquisition will make us stronger in this area in the future – Morten Kjær, CEO of HydraSpecma

During the discussions on HydraSpecma’s acquisition of Ymer Technology’s wind division, both Morten Kjær and Jørgen Krogh have been confirmed in the fact that the companies’ values are very close to each other. That has strengthened the belief that the acquisition and increased focus on the wind power industry will become a success.

A stronger partner for the wind industry

The acquisition must also be seen in light of the increasing need in the market for consolidation.
– There is no doubt that size matter as a supplier to the wind industry. Our purchase volume and production capacity will increase, and  we will stand stronger as we gain strength and capacity to take more projects from all customers and deliver complete systems. Morten Kjær emphasizes and adds that the acquisition will increase HydraSpecma’s revenue with approximately 575m Danish kroner.

HydraSpecma will be the continuing company and will continue to be headquartered in Denmark. HydraSpecma Group and Ymer Technology’s wind division respectively employs 1.300 and 180 persons and have production facilities in Asia, Europe as well as in North- and South America.

About Ymer Technology

Ymer Technology was founded in Sweden in 2005 under the name Ymer Technology AB. Ymer Technology has specialized in cooling systems and thermal management systems. The company is headquartered in Stockholm and has production facilities in Sweden, China, India and USA. In 2021 Ymer Technology had a revenue of 1bn Swedish kroner and the company has 277 employees.

About HydraSpecma

HydraSpecma was founded in 1974 and today it is Denmark’s largest supplier of Power & Motion systems as well as solutions for the wind power industry. HydraSpecma is a customer driven company that delivers advanced hydraulic and electronic solutions for a wide range of segments within the Power & Motion market on a global scale as well as in the local Nordic aftermarket.
HydraSpecma’s wind division also delivers filtration- and lubrication systems as well as pitch-hydraulic systems for the wind industry. HydraSpecma is headquartered in Denmark and have production facilities in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Poland, England, Netherlands, India, China and Brazil. HydraSpecma also operates a series of stores for the aftermarket in the Nordics. In 2021 HydraSpecma had a revenue of 2,3bn Danish kroner and the company have 1.300 employees whereof a large part is employed in Denmark and Sweden. Since 1988 HydraSpecma has been a part of the Danish industrial conglomerate Schouw & Co.

For further information please contact:
Vice President, Jørgen Krogh, Ymer Technology, +45 2042 2838
Read more here: https://www.hydraspecma.com/store/dk/en